Crisis Helplines Lifeline24/7 Suicide prevention support13 11 14 RurallinkSouth West emergency triage helpline 1800 552 002 MensLine AustraliaCounselling for men1300 78 99 78 SANEComplex mental health support1800 187 263 Suicide Callback ServiceSuicide prevention counselling1300 659 467 Kids Helpline24/7 Telephone support for 5 - 25 years1800 55 1800 1800RESPECTSexual assault & domestic violence 1800 737 732 Alcohol & Drug Support24/7 Counselling, support and referrals1800 198 024 QLifeGender and sexuality diverse support1800 184 527 Open ArmsVeterans and families counselling1800 011 046 PANDAPerinatal mental health support1300 726 306 Women’s Info ServiceSupport & referrals for WA women1800 199 174 Blue Knot FoundationSupport for childhood abuse survivors1300 657 380 Cancer CouncilCancer information and support13 11 20 Butterfly FoundationSupport for people with eating disorders1800 334 673 Palliative Care WAPalliative care support1300 551 704 If you or someone you know is at risk of harm, call 000 or go to the emergency department at your local hospital